In this book…
Lucy takes her Wow Moments to a deeper level and provides powerful questions to ponder, inviting you to discover your own Wow Moments and the lessons your life has for you.
What People Are Saying About the Book:
Life Coach Lucy Wellmaker has compiled 33 of her personal Wow Moments that are beautiful for their simplicity but which also inspire readers to reflect on personal next steps for leading a more fulfilling life. This is a book that many will read and reread, gaining additional or different insight each time. Inspired by the Wow Moments of Life is a perfect gift - especially for yourself!
There is so much in this book that I can relate to and feel that others can also. The author has a way with words that puts what I might be thinking or dealing with into a pleasant short and to-the-point WOW moment that helps me see clearly what is going on. There is inspiration there for any reader.
Love how Lucy views the world. These great short daily WOW moments have helped me examine how I look at life and experiences. Very refreshing and insightful book.
I would recommend to anyone!
daily walker
Lucy ‘s book has helped me become aware and appreciate special moments in every day.
Life is busy and time passes quickly. This book has helped me take time to thank God for daily Blessings. I look forward to reading her Weekly Blog WOW message each Sunday. Lucy is very inspirational to me. Her book is a great book of daily inspiration. A great gift for others too!
Lucy's insights bring us our own moments of reflection, perspective, and "ah-ha's." With so many people having "lots" to say or write, her short and valuable perspectives cause us to to feel graced by her wisdom and accessible approach for the simple meaningful times of our life. It is in looking at the "everyday" moments that we learn and feel connected as part of humanity and God's creation.
Nuggets of inspiration. Lucy Wellmaker gives WOW Moments from everyday living. She allows you to be inspired and provides questions to help you think deeper. You can use this book to help you journey through your own life as you step back and discover a deep meaning.