A Good Space

We have a small room in the back of our house that has served several purposes over the years. The previous and original owners built this space by enclosing a back porch to create a laundry room that was easier to access than the one in the basement.

When we moved in, it remained a laundry room and also a playroom for the kids. Located right off the kitchen, it was perfect for them and for me.

Later, when they out grew it, we removed the washer and dryer. We bought new furniture, put a TV in it and converted it into a small family room.

Although it was one of the smallest rooms, much time was spent in it.

All along we had a bigger front room and much like the one I had growing up, it was used for special occasions and when we had guests. With no TV in it, it was also a quiet space I could count on.

When the kids were in college. I embraced the idea of switching these spaces. We moved the TV to the front, made it a bit more casual and suddenly had a larger family room.

Meanwhile, the back room became a sunroom and my sanctuary. It’s where I begin each day with quiet time.

As I sit in it now, writing this post, it’s as if I have traveled through time revisiting the memories created along the way. Thanks for taking this journey with me.

Life has a way of moving us through various transformations, each change somehow adding to the structure of our lives. While we don’t always understand the reasons for certain things, I believe things come to somehow serve a purpose.

A couple of days ago we replaced the seven windows in this room. Since they are mostly covered up with shutters, one might not notice the change by looking at it.

I. Absolutely. Do.

The space feels different to me. I feel more insulated and protected. I can see things more clearly.

It feels clean and it feels good.

This change is very noticeable from the outside.

Wow . . .

“Create more goodness from the inside out.”

Here’s to more WOW Moments!



All the Time


There Is A Season