
It was late in the morning when, for some reason, I found myself touching my left earlobe. In doing so, I realized that the back of my earring was loosely there while my earring was not.

“This must have just happened,” I thought.

I looked around the area where I was sitting. I checked my hair and my clothes.

No luck.

I decided to back track my steps. Walking back to the meeting room I was in earlier and everywhere else I had been that morning.

Still no luck.

I told a couple of key people about the situation in case it was turned in.

Then, I let it go.

When I went to my car at lunch time, there it was. Right in the middle of my seat.

I was amazed at how long the back of my earring had stayed in place.

I smiled, gave praise and heard the message clearly.

Wow . . .

“I’ve got your back.”

Here’s to more WOW Moments!

With love,



Remember Again


Times Have Changed