Ready For It

For years now I have been working to create a situation that I believe would serve me and others well.

Over time, I would put things in place to make it happen and for various reasons it would fall through and not work out.

Early on I questioned what I was “doing wrong”.

Later, I decided to accept it. After all, life is less about the destination and more about the journey, right?

We are all a work in progress.

I came to realize that, for whatever reason, I just wasn’t ready for it to come to fruition.

This is when I started focusing more on getting ready.

For me, this means releasing resistance and being open to receive. It includes not trying to force things and trusting it will come. It also means aligning my true desires with my core beliefs.

This, I believe, is the real work behind reaching our desires.

Then, in ONE DAY several thing unfolded in such a way that I could clearly see how quickly a situation can change to make a desire come true.

I got a very clear glimpse of how amazing life really is. I am positive about this.

Wow . . .

“I am ready and it is on the way.”


A Closer Look


Growing and Learning