Such A Gift

I can’t get over it. It happened yesterday. I’m still shaking my head.

My sister had a beautiful bridal shower for my niece. Her home was filled with love and laughter.  

I enjoyed watching my niece open the gift I gave her. It was a pasta bowl for which she had registered. For fun, I added a bag of pasta to go with it.  

A few gifts later, she opened the one from her mom, my other sister. As she pulled the exact same pasta bowl out of the box, her mom explained how she decided to buy something for which she wasn’t registered.

A bit perplexed, I tried to take it all in.

As the bowls were placed on the gift table, one nestled in the other, both the exact same size and shape, my sister continued to explain how the lady at the store informed her that this piece was not on the registered list. She went on to explain that it was a different type of serving piece.

As I glanced back over at the two identical bowls, I tried to make sense of it all.

It made me realize how our thoughts and perceptions can be so deceiving and how we can easily be influenced by what others say.

When I bought the bowl, my hope was that it would trigger a fond memory for many years to come.

What I didn’t expect was that the memory would be for me.

Somehow this serving piece served up so much more.

Wow . . .  

“Be bowled over by life itself.”

Here’s to more WOW Moments!



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