Get the Picture?

Looking for a particular piece of wall art, I was surprised to find a canvas print at a local store. As I held it in my hands, something told me that although this was close to what I wanted there was something better for me. Unsure of what that could be and seeing how close this was, I decided that this was good enough and made the purchase.

Later that same day, while browsing in a consignment store, I saw a friend from church. We stopped and chatted for bit. It was a heartfelt, soulful conversation.

At one point my eyes gazed above her head, and there hanging high over a doorway was the same print I just bought.

This one, however, was a faux painting with more vibrant colors and it was framed. It was a much better version of the print.

In that moment, I knew it was mine and I was His.

What I saw was the picture. What was unseen was how amazing God works in our lives.

As we continued to talk, I was fascinated by how I was positioned to see this. I feel sure I would have missed it had I not stopped to speak with her.

When our conversation ended, I asked a store assistant for help getting the picture down. While he went and got a ladder, I thanked God for this experience. It was a wonderful reminder of what we all have access to.

Wow . . .

“Open my eyes to what is available.”

Here’s to more WOW Moments!



Or Bust


Such A Gift