Big Stuff

I held a cup in my hand, reflecting on the day I bought it. It was a long time ago.

At that time, it was an extra large cup.

Really. Big.  


By today’s standards, it’s just a large cup.

A few days later, I got a cooler out of the attic. Again, this thing used to be SO BIG.


Now, it’s just an average size cooler.

In this super-sized world we live in, it’s easy to lose perspective on the size of things and what’s normal.

As I pondered this more, I thought about how this applies to other areas of life.

Are we so focused on “big” that we are losing sight of the small and really important things in life?

Are we taking something small, and unnecessarily turning into something really big? 

Maybe we are dismissing the really big things in life, without realizing how big they really are.

I just noticed that today’s gospel reading ends with Jesus commanding us to “love one another.” John 15:17

That’s big stuff.

It’s not a suggestion.

It’s a commandment.

I have more work to do.  

Wow . . .

“Focus on what matters.”

Here’s to more WOW Moments!



Yes, You May


Being Called