My Pledge

Sitting quietly, sipping on coffee and reflecting on life, I thought about how we often do what’s been done before without considering the reason for it.

After moving into our home, over 25 years ago, we were unpacking and putting things away. That’s when I put the cleaning supplies under the kitchen sink. Except, that is, for the Pledge.

I specifically picked up this can of furniture polish, carried it to the front coat closet and placed it on the shelf.

It wasn’t until years later that I pondered this action.

Growing up my mom kept her pledge in the coat closet which, by the way, we never referred to as a “coat closet”, it was just a closet.

She probably put it there because it was closer to the furniture she would be using it on.

Somehow it was ingrained in me that this was the right place to keep it.

Later, I would intentionally take that can of Pledge, put it under the kitchen sink and decide to be more mindful about my choices.

In many ways, I am a lot like my mom. For this, I am grateful. She is a good woman.

I am also different.

My journey has challenged me to discern which choices are truly mine and which ones are not.

I am committed to following the voice of my soul.

Wow . . .

“Be still and know.”

Here’s to more WOW Moments!



Wait For It


Decision Time