Our Real Work

He spoke about his work and I listened intently.

“Sometimes,” he said. “I am asked to do things that just don’t make sense.”

He went on to explain that the way he deals with what could be a real frustrating experience is by repeating a mantra he created for himself.

“Things don’t always have to make sense; I just need to do what is asked of me.”

As I heard these words, I felt the power in them. This resonated with me on a deeper level. It is how I think about life.

I believe our real work, no matter our employment status, is to align ourselves with who we are created to be and move forward with inspired action.

Sometimes what we are called to do won’t make sense to us. We can’t always see the big picture and how things will come together for us. We must be clear about who our real boss is and obey accordingly.

Wow . . .

“Thy will be done.”


What’s Your Hobby?


A New Direction