What’s Your Hobby?

I was a young girl when someone asked, “What’s your hobby?”

I really didn’t know how to answer this.

I wasn’t sure if I really had a hobby.

The person questioning me went on to say that for some people a hobby might mean collecting things.

“Collecting things?” I thought about it.

That’s when I remembered a random gift I had recently received. It was called “soap on a rope”.

(Does anyone else remember these?)

And so I answered, “I collect soaps on a rope.”

This was NOT true.

I immediately felt bad for making this up and felt even worse about not having a hobby.

It is interesting how that has stuck with me and recently resurfaced.

If I am honest, I still have a hard time answering this question. I always think it needs to be something that it is not.

That is, until I looked up the definition. A hobby is “an activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure.”

This. Is. It.

WOW Moments are my hobby.

I love to think, ponder, have deep conversations with people and take note of how amazing life really is.

I seek to find and collect WOW Moments.

My desire in doing so is to serve you, helping you Feel Go(o)d especially when it is not easy to do so.

Wow . . .

“Make it a hobby to share the love.”


Feeling Droopy


Our Real Work