Register This
I registered to participate in an event and was put on a “wait list”.
The follow up message instructed me to watch for further communication should a space open up for me.
Somehow, I knew it would.
I was sure.
On the morning of the event when I got the phone call, I wasn’t surprised.
I think I surprised the caller when I shared that I knew I would be participating.
Later I pondered this idea of a “Wait List”.
Aren’t we all waiting for something? Maybe it’s something that we want to have or to have happen.
How can we be sure we will receive what we are waiting for?
Maybe it’s more about waiting to be sure what we think we want is really for us.
I recently heard a talk on “Waiting for the Lord” that really resonated with me.
After all, He is the one in charge.
Rather than scrambling around trying to make things happen, maybe waiting is what we are really called to do.
Wow . . .
“Be still to know for sure.”
Here’s to more WOW Moments!