The Light

When I first became aware of solar lights, I was skeptical. It was hard for me to believe that they would work well.

I questioned, “If these lights really worked, why wouldn’t EVERYONE be using them?”

Several years ago, I decided to give them a try. I strung some solar lights on my deck and put some landscaping ones in my yard.

I love them.

I am fascinated by how they work. By soaking up the sun during the day, they are able to light up at night.

The sun provides all the energy and power they need to shine. Without the sun, they are nothing.

I recently replaced a strand on my deck that had weathered and was worn out. These are ones I see from my kitchen window.

When I awoke the next day and made my way to the kitchen for my first cup of coffee, I saw these lights shining bright. They warmed my heart and made me smile.

In that moment I felt a deep sense of love, joy and peace.

The solar light sparked the light in my soul.

I reflected on how we, too, can shine bright (even in our darkest moments) when we spend time soaking in the power and energy of our source – the Son of Man.

Without Him, we are nothing.

Knowing the love, joy and peace that He provides; it’s a wonder why EVERYONE doesn’t turn to Him.

Wow . . .

“I testify to the light.”

Here’s to more WOW Moments!



‘Twas Enough


My Best Friend