Unpacking It All
I lost count of the number of trips I made to both the consignment store and donation center. In addition to the number of extra large trash bags I filled with stuff to discard before our recent move.
Then, after our move, as I was unpacking boxes I was simultaneously packing even more boxes to give away.
When I pondered the reason I held on to so much, the overriding answer was that I had the space for it – a large and easy to access, walk-up attic.
Moving to a home with much less storage, I was pushed to give myself permission to let stuff go.
Once I started letting go, it became easier and easier.
What I know to be true, is that when we allow space in our lives we leave room for new things to enter. It’s a way to invite things in that are more aligned with who we really are and what we truly desire.
This is why decluttering always feels so good. At least it does to me.
There is still so much to unpack from this move. It’s less about boxes and more about the soul nourishing nuggets of wisdom that I am unwrapping – one moment at a time.
So delicious.
Grateful for the space to savor it and share it with you.
Wow . . .
“Invite good things into your life.”
Here’s to more WOW Moments!